Living in the city Archives - CityofBarrow Blog about the city of Barrow, Alaska Mon, 01 Apr 2024 13:10:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Living in the city Archives - CityofBarrow 32 32 Utqiaġvik: Understanding the Name Сhange Fri, 29 Mar 2024 14:09:21 +0000 In the far reaсhes of the northernmost part of the United States lies a plaсe of unique signifiсanсe: Utqiaġvik. Formerly known as Barrow, this Alaskan […]

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In the far reaсhes of the northernmost part of the United States lies a plaсe of unique signifiсanсe: Utqiaġvik. Formerly known as Barrow, this Alaskan сity made headlines in 2016 when its residents voted to сhange its name to Utqiaġvik. The deсision sparked сuriosity, debate, and a deeper exploration into the сultural heritage of this remote loсale. Understanding the reasons behind this name сhange offers a glimpse into the riсh history and traditions of the Iñupiat people who сall Utqiaġvik home.

At first glanсe, Utqiaġvik may seem like an unusual name, diffiсult to pronounсe and unfamiliar to many. However, its signifiсanсe runs deep in the сulture of the indigenous Iñupiat people who have inhabited this land for thousands of years. Utqiaġvik, pronounсed “oot-kee-AHG-vik,” means “a plaсe for gathering wild roots” in the Iñupiaq language. This name refleсts the сity’s historiсal role as a сentral gathering plaсe for the Iñupiat сommunity, where they would сome together to harvest sustenanсe from the land.

The deсision to revert to the traditional name of Utqiaġvik was driven by a desire to reсlaim the сultural identity of the сommunity and honor the heritage of its indigenous inhabitants. For сenturies, the Iñupiat people have maintained a deep сonneсtion to the land, relying on traditional praсtiсes and knowledge passed down through generations. By restoring the original name, residents sought to reaffirm their сultural identity and preserve their anсestral ties to the land.

The name сhange also сarries politiсal signifiсanсe, serving as a symbol of indigenous resilienсe and sovereignty. In reсent years, indigenous сommunities aсross the United States have inсreasingly asserted their rights to self-determination and сultural autonomy. Renaming the сity to Utqiaġvik represents a reсlaiming of indigenous spaсes and a rejeсtion of сolonial legaсies that sought to erase native сultures and languages.

While the deсision to сhange the name was widely supported within the loсal сommunity, it also sparked broader disсussions about the importanсe of indigenous representation and reсognition. For many years, the names of plaсes aсross the United States have refleсted the perspeсtives of сolonizers and settlers, often disregarding the indigenous names that preсeded them. The renaming of Utqiaġvik represents a step towards reсtifying this historiсal erasure and aсknowledging the enduring presenсe of indigenous peoples.

However, the name сhange was not without its сritiсs and сhallenges. Some residents expressed сonсerns about the praсtiсal impliсations of altering the сity’s name, inсluding potential сonfusion for visitors and the сosts assoсiated with updating signage and offiсial doсuments. Additionally, there were debates about the pronunсiation of Utqiaġvik and whether non-Iñupiat individuals would be able to pronounсe it сorreсtly.

Despite these сhallenges, the residents of Utqiaġvik remained steadfast in their deсision, viewing the name сhange as a small yet signifiсant aсt of сultural revitalization and resistanсe. In the years sinсe the renaming, efforts have been made to promote the use of the Iñupiaq language in sсhools, businesses, and publiс spaсes, further affirming the importanсe of indigenous languages and сultures in the сommunity.

Beyond its symboliс signifiсanсe, the renaming of Utqiaġvik has also drawn attention to broader issues of environmental сonservation and сlimate сhange. Loсated above the Arсtiс Сirсle, Utqiaġvik is on the front lines of сlimate сhange, experienсing the impaсts of melting sea iсe, сoastal erosion, and shifting weather patterns. As temperatures rise and traditional hunting and fishing grounds beсome inсreasingly unprediсtable, the Iñupiat way of life faсes unpreсedented сhallenges.

In response to these threats, the сommunity of Utqiaġvik has been at the forefront of efforts to adapt and mitigate the effeсts of сlimate сhange. From investing in renewable energy projeсts to implementing sustainable land management praсtiсes, residents are working to safeguard their сultural heritage and proteсt the fragile Arсtiс eсosystem on whiсh they depend.

The renaming of Utqiaġvik serves as a reminder of the resilienсe of indigenous peoples in the faсe of adversity. By reсlaiming their сultural identity and asserting their sovereignty, the residents of Utqiaġvik have set an example for indigenous сommunities around the world. Their story is one of empowerment, pride, and the enduring сonneсtion between people and plaсe.

As the world grapples with the сhallenges of environmental degradation and сultural homogenization, the example of Utqiaġvik offers hope and inspiration. By honoring the past and embraсing the future, this remote Arсtiс сity is forging a path towards a more inсlusive and sustainable world—one rooted in respeсt for indigenous knowledge, traditions, and values.

In the name of Utqiaġvik, we find not just a word, but a story—a story of resilienсe, identity, and the enduring bond between a people and their land. It is a story that reminds us of the importanсe of preserving сultural diversity and proteсting the natural world for future generations. And it is a story that сontinues to unfold, as the residents of Utqiaġvik navigate the сhallenges of a rapidly сhanging world with сourage, determination, and a deep-rooted sense of сommunity.

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Educational and Cultural Landscape of Utqiagvik, Alaska Thu, 14 Mar 2024 11:30:21 +0000 This article offers an in-depth exploration of the educational, scientific, cultural, and public resources available in Utqiagvik, Alaska, formerly known as Barrow. It highlights the […]

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This article offers an in-depth exploration of the educational, scientific, cultural, and public resources available in Utqiagvik, Alaska, formerly known as Barrow. It highlights the unique offerings of Ilisagvik College, the Barrow Arctic Science Consortium, the Iñupiat Heritage Center, the Tuzzy Consortium Library, and the North Slope Borough’s environmental and cultural preservation efforts. Additionally, it provides insights into local accommodations, dining options, and forthcoming tourism links.

Education in America’s Arctic: Ilisagvik College

Ilisagvik College, situated on the Arctic Ocean’s shores in Barrow, Alaska, is a pioneering community college that plays a crucial role in the education landscape of America’s Arctic. As the northernmost, accredited community college in the United States, and the first among five projected tribally controlled colleges in Alaska, Ilisagvik stands as a beacon of learning and cultural preservation. Accredited in 2002 by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities, it offers Associate’s degrees and one-year certificates in various fields, dedicated to strengthening the Inupiat culture, language, values, and traditions. The Tuzzy Consortium Library, honoring Evelyn Tuzroyluk Higbee’s legacy, supports the college’s academic pursuits.

Scientific Research: The Barrow Arctic Science Consortium

The Barrow Arctic Science Consortium (BASC) is a cornerstone in the world of Arctic research. Established in 1995, this not-for-profit organization, based in Barrow, Alaska, fosters research and educational activities focusing on the North Slope of Alaska and the adjacent Arctic Ocean areas. Through collaboration among local organizations and stakeholders, BASC supports a wide range of scientific endeavors, aiming to deepen our understanding of the Arctic’s unique environmental and cultural landscape.

Cultural Heritage: The Iñupiat Heritage Center

The Iñupiat Heritage Center in Barrow, Alaska, stands as a testament to the resilience and vibrancy of the Iñupiat people. For thousands of years, the Iñupiat have thrived in one of Earth’s most challenging environments, relying on the bowhead whale, or “Agviq,” for their subsistence. The Heritage Center narrates this enduring story, offering insights into a culture that has navigated both the bounty and challenges of Arctic life, including encounters with commercial whalemen in the 19th century.

Public Library: The Tuzzy Consortium Library

The Tuzzy Consortium Library, located within the Iñupiat Heritage Center facility in Barrow, Alaska, serves as both the public library for the North Slope Borough and the academic library for Ilisagvik College. Named in honor of Evelyn Tuzroyluk Higbee, a key figure in the college’s history, the library is a vital resource for the community, offering access to a wealth of knowledge and serving as a cultural preservation site.

Environmental Stewardship: The North Slope Borough’s Approach

The North Slope Borough embodies the delicate balance between preserving traditional subsistence practices and embracing the technological advancements of modern oil fields. With a landscape that is both vast and fragile, the borough works diligently to ensure that the natural resources which have sustained the Iñupiat culture for millennia can coexist with the economic benefits of resource extraction. This approach highlights a deep commitment to protecting the Arctic’s unique environment while fostering sustainable development.

Comparative Table: Utqiagvik’s Cultural and Educational Landmarks

FeatureDescriptionFocus Area
Ilisagvik CollegeUtqiagvik’s premier higher education institution, offering degrees and certificates tailored to Arctic life.Education & Cultural Preservation
Barrow Arctic Science Consortium (BASC)A nexus for Arctic research, facilitating studies on climate, ecology, and more.Scientific Research & Education
Iñupiat Heritage CenterA museum and cultural center chronicling the Iñupiat people’s history and traditions.Cultural Heritage & History
Tuzzy Consortium LibraryA comprehensive library serving both the public and Ilisagvik College, named in honor of Evelyn Tuzroyluk Higbee.Knowledge & Culture
North Slope Borough’s Environmental EffortsInitiatives aimed at balancing resource extraction with the preservation of Iñupiat culture and the Arctic environment.Environmental Stewardship & Cultural Sustainability


Utqiagvik, Alaska, emerges as a unique confluence of education, culture, and environmental consciousness at the edge of the Arctic. Through institutions like Ilisagvik College and the Barrow Arctic Science Consortium, alongside the rich cultural tapestry showcased at the Iñupiat Heritage Center, Utqiagvik stands as a testament to the resilience and adaptability of its people. The Tuzzy Consortium Library further enriches this landscape, offering a treasure trove of knowledge that bridges the past with the future. As the North Slope Borough navigates the delicate balance between development and preservation, Utqiagvik offers a model of coexistence that respects both the heritage of the Iñupiat people and the pristine Arctic environment. 

This northernmost community in the United States is not just surviving; it is thriving, weaving together the threads of tradition and innovation to create a vibrant tapestry that speaks to the heart of America’s Arctic.

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Introduction to the City Council Thu, 14 Mar 2024 11:28:10 +0000 The City Council of Utqiagvik serves as the legislative body responsible for governing the city, overseeing the enactment of local policies, and ensuring the welfare […]

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The City Council of Utqiagvik serves as the legislative body responsible for governing the city, overseeing the enactment of local policies, and ensuring the welfare of its constituents. This council is composed of elected officials, each representing distinct seats within the council and serving specific term lengths.

Current Council Composition

The present composition of the Utqiagvik City Council, as of the latest electoral cycle, is as follows:

Official NamePositionTerm Duration
Asisaun ToovakMayorOctober 2022 – October 2025
Justina WilhelmSeat AOctober 2022 – October 2025
Kristin Gutierrez-EdwardsSeat BOctober 2022 – October 2025
Kuutuuq OlemaunSeat COctober 2021 – October 2024
Martina HopsonSeat DOctober 2021 – October 2024
Heather HopsonSeat EOctober 2023 – October 2026
Sarah Tua’iSeat FOctober 2023 – October 2026

This table offers a detailed account of each council member’s term, ensuring transparency and accessibility of information to the public.

Council Meeting Schedule

The Utqiagvik City Council convenes for regular meetings once a month, specifically on the fourth Thursday at 7:00 PM. These sessions are held at the City Chamber, providing a platform for discussion on city governance, policy-making, and other significant issues affecting the community.

Historical Composition of the City Council

Reflecting on the council’s composition during a previous electoral cycle, we observe the following lineup, serving from 2013 to 2016:

Official NamePositionTerm Duration
Bob HarcharekMayorOctober 2013 – October 2016
Frederick BrowerSeat AOctober 2013 – October 2016
Fannie SuvluSeat BOctober 2013 – October 2016
Rebecca BrowerSeat COctober 2013 – October 2015
Vincent Paul Negeak “PAMIUQ”Seat DOctober 2013 – October 2015
Bernadette FisherSeat EN/A
[Vacant]Seat FN/A


The City Council of Utqiagvik plays a pivotal role in the administration and governance of the city, with elected officials dedicated to serving the community’s best interests. Through regular meetings and a transparent display of council composition, the City Council ensures that the voices of Utqiagvik’s residents are heard and their concerns addressed. The commitment of each council member to their term and the scheduled council meetings underscore the council’s dedication to effective city governance and community welfare.

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Comprehensive Guide to the Department of Motor Vehicles Thu, 14 Mar 2024 11:18:42 +0000 The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is pleased to announce the reopening of services, albeit with certain limitations. We are committed to serving the public […]

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The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is pleased to announce the reopening of services, albeit with certain limitations. We are committed to serving the public while adhering to safety guidelines. Our primary aim is to facilitate essential DMV transactions efficiently and securely.

Available Services

Our services are carefully designed to cater to the needs of the community, ensuring that all essential DMV transactions can be carried out with ease. These services include:

  • License Issuance: Provision of Drivers Licenses and State ID Cards, ensuring individuals possess valid identification for various purposes;
  • Vehicle Administration: Handling of vehicle registration and title transactions to ensure legal ownership and compliance with state regulations;
  • License Reinstatement: Assistance with the reinstatement process for those looking to restore their driving privileges;
  • Testing Services: Offering the General Knowledge Test and Alcohol Awareness Test as part of our commitment to road safety;
  • Commercial License Transactions: Facilitation of Commercial Drivers License (CDL) transactions, including the issuance of Commercial Learners Permits (CLP).

Fee Information

For detailed information regarding the fees associated with our services, please visit the Alaska DMV fee schedule at Alaska DMV Fees.

Resource Guide

We provide a comprehensive suite of resources to support our patrons in navigating the requirements for various DMV services:

  • State of Alaska DMV Requirements: A guideline to understand the prerequisites for acquiring your first license, including Commercial Learners Permit (CLP) & CDL;
  • Driver’s Manual and Online Practice Test: Tools designed to prepare applicants for their driving tests, enhancing their knowledge and readiness;
  • Reinstatement Information: Guidance for individuals seeking to reinstate their driving privileges, including necessary forms and procedures.

Operating Hours

Our offices are open from Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM, dedicated to License Renewals, CDL Renewals, and State ID Card issuance. Please note that titles and registrations are also processed during these hours. We are closed on Saturdays and Sundays.

Contact and Location Details

For any inquiries or further assistance, please reach out to us at:

  • Phone: (907) 852-5661;
  • Physical Address: 2022 Ahkovak St. (City Hall), Barrow, AK;
  • Mailing Address: PO Box 629, Barrow, AK 99723.

Our team is here to assist you with any DMV-related needs and ensure a smooth process for all transactions.

Comparative Table

Service OfferedDescriptionAvailable Online?Required DocumentationFee Structure
Driver’s License RenewalExtension of the validity period of an existing driver’s license.YesCurrent driver’s license, proof of address, eye test (if applicable)Varies by state; see DMV website for specifics.
State ID CardsIssuance of an identification card for residents without a driver’s license.Some statesBirth certificate, proof of residence, social security numberVaries by state
Vehicle Registration RenewalAnnual or biennial process to legally maintain the registration of a vehicle.YesCurrent registration, proof of insurance, emission test (if required)Based on vehicle type, weight, and location
Road TestsPractical driving test required for obtaining or renewing a driver’s license.NoLearner’s permit, vehicle in good condition, proof of insuranceFee varies; additional to licensing fees
TitlesOfficial document showing ownership of a vehicle.Some statesVehicle identification number (VIN), bill of sale, previous titleVaries by vehicle age and type
Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) TransactionsSpecialized services for obtaining or renewing a CDL, including written and practical tests.NoCurrent driver’s license, medical certification, CDL applicationHigher than standard licensing fees


To encapsulate, the Department of Motor Vehicles stands as a pivotal entity in facilitating a broad array of essential services crucial for vehicle owners and drivers. From the issuance and renewal of driver’s licenses and state ID cards to the administration of road tests and the processing of vehicle titles and registrations, the DMV ensures the enforcement of state and federal regulations, promoting road safety and responsible vehicle ownership. By offering comprehensive resources such as the Driver’s Manual, online practice tests, and detailed information on commercial licenses, the DMV not only aids in compliance with legal requirements but also supports the educational needs of the driving community.

The provision of specific services like alcohol awareness tests and general knowledge exams further exemplifies the DMV’s commitment to fostering a safe and informed driving environment. With operational hours tailored to accommodate the public and varied contact options including physical and mailing addresses, the Department of Motor Vehicles endeavors to provide accessible, efficient service to all. Whether you are applying for your first license or managing the details of vehicle ownership, the DMV remains your indispensable partner in navigating the complexities of motor vehicle regulations and services.

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Business Licensing Thu, 14 Mar 2024 10:24:51 +0000 If you’re an entrepreneur operating in Utqiagvik, Alaska, and aiming to maintain legal compliance and authenticity throughout 2023, here is a comprehensive guide on how […]

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If you’re an entrepreneur operating in Utqiagvik, Alaska, and aiming to maintain legal compliance and authenticity throughout 2023, here is a comprehensive guide on how to apply for a new business license or renew an existing one.

Business License Annual Application

  • Securing the Application Document: To embark on the application process for the 2023 Business License Annual Application, one must first acquire the form. This essential document can be sourced from the designated municipal authority’s office or through their digital platform. Ensuring access to the correct version of the form is the initial step in a successful application;
  • Thorough and Accurate Completion: Completing the application demands attention to detail and precision. Applicants are required to fill in comprehensive information regarding their business. This encompasses the business’s official name, its physical and mailing address, the nature of the business activity, the framework of ownership, and any supplementary documents that may be stipulated. It’s crucial to double-check the accuracy of all entered information to avoid any potential delays or complications in the processing of the application;
  • Cross-Verification with Existing Businesses: Prior to the submission of your application, it is advised to consult the provided list of businesses for the year 2023 operating within Utqiagvik. This step is twofold in its benefits: it ensures that your business is uniquely identified and not inadvertently omitted from local records, and it offers a panoramic view of the business landscape in the area. Understanding who your neighbors are in the business community can unveil opportunities for collaboration, insight into market saturation, and inspiration for niche filling.
  • Submission: Send the completed form to the City Clerk at the provided address:
    • City Clerk;
    • P.O. Box 629;
    • Barrow, AK 99723.
  • Contact Information: Include your contact information, such as phone number and email, for any follow-up communication.

Renewal Process:

  • Timely Renewal: Keep track of your business license expiration date to ensure timely renewal. Failure to renew on time may result in penalties or suspension of operations;
  • Review Requirements: Review any updates or changes in licensing requirements for the year 2023 to ensure compliance;
  • Update Information: If there have been any changes to your business information since your last application (e.g., change of address, ownership), make sure to update these details in your renewal application;
  • Submission: Follow the same submission process outlined for new applications. Be sure to attach any required documentation or certificates along with the renewal form.

Tips for Successful Application/Renewal:

  • Plan Ahead: Start the application or renewal process well in advance of your current license expiration date to avoid any last-minute rush or delays;
  • Double-Check Details: Review your application or renewal form carefully before submission to ensure all information provided is accurate and complete;
  • Keep Records: Maintain copies of all submitted documents and correspondence related to your business license application or renewal for your records;
  • Stay Informed: Stay updated on any changes in licensing regulations or requirements that may affect your business to ensure ongoing compliance.


By following these application and renewal procedures diligently, you can ensure smooth operations for your business in Utqiagvik while staying in good standing with local authorities.

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Vehicle Removal Thu, 14 Mar 2024 10:22:47 +0000 In the ongoing endeavor to maintain the pristine charm of Barrow, the city extends a valuable service to its residents: vehicle removal. Whether you possess […]

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In the ongoing endeavor to maintain the pristine charm of Barrow, the city extends a valuable service to its residents: vehicle removal. Whether you possess an aging car, a dilapidated truck, or a rusty motorcycle occupying precious space, Barrow’s vehicle removal program stands ready to assist. Embracing sustainability and cleanliness, this initiative not only declutters the city but also contributes to environmental preservation by responsibly disposing of old vehicles.

Maximizing Your Experience with This Service: A Comprehensive Guide

Streamlined Process: Barrow’s vehicle removal process is designed to be hassle-free. Simply complete the Vehicle Removal form to initiate the removal process. This straightforward form gathers necessary details about the vehicle and your contact information, ensuring a smooth experience.

  • Environmental Responsibility: Disposing of old vehicles can pose environmental challenges if not handled correctly. Barrow’s removal service prioritizes eco-friendly practices, ensuring that disposed vehicles are properly recycled and hazardous materials are disposed of safely. By participating in this program, residents actively contribute to reducing their carbon footprint and promoting sustainability;
  • Enhanced Aesthetic Appeal: Abandoned or derelict vehicles can mar the beauty of urban landscapes. By availing yourself of Barrow’s removal service, you not only reclaim valuable space but also contribute to the aesthetic enhancement of the city. A cleaner, more visually appealing environment fosters community pride and well-being;
  • Community Support: The vehicle removal program exemplifies the city’s commitment to supporting its residents. Whether you’re a homeowner, a business owner, or a tenant, this service is available to all, fostering a sense of inclusivity and mutual support within the community;
  • Convenient Communication: Have questions or need assistance? The City Hall is your go-to resource. Reach out between 8:00 am and 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday, to speak with knowledgeable staff who can provide guidance, address inquiries, and ensure a seamless experience with the vehicle removal process;
  • Recommended Preparations: Before initiating the vehicle removal process, consider the following preparatory steps to streamline the procedure and ensure a successful outcome:
    • Remove Personal Belongings: Take a thorough inventory of your vehicle and remove any personal belongings or valuables before the removal service arrives. This prevents the loss of important items and facilitates a smoother transition;
    • Gather Necessary Documents: Ensure you have the vehicle’s title and any relevant ownership documents ready for submission. This expedites the paperwork process and avoids delays in the removal process;
    • Clear Access Pathways: Make it easier for the removal team by clearing any obstacles or debris blocking access to the vehicle. Clear pathways facilitate efficient removal and minimize potential damage to surrounding areas.


By following these recommendations and leveraging Barrow’s vehicle removal service, residents can contribute to a cleaner, more vibrant cityscape while enjoying the convenience of hassle-free vehicle disposal. Let’s work together to keep Barrow beautiful and sustainable for generations to come.

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Adopt a Plot Program Thu, 14 Mar 2024 10:20:42 +0000 At the core of every thriving community lies a shared dedication to environmental stewardship and civic engagement. In the City of Barrow, this commitment finds […]

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At the core of every thriving community lies a shared dedication to environmental stewardship and civic engagement. In the City of Barrow, this commitment finds expression through the Adopt a Plot Program—a forward-thinking endeavor empowering residents, businesses, and organizations to actively contribute to a cleaner, more sustainable future. More than a mere cleanup effort, this initiative serves as a unifying force for those invested in preserving their surroundings and fostering community cohesion.

Through the Adopt a Plot Program, volunteers assume roles as custodians of their neighborhoods, guardians of the environment, and advocates for positive change. This guide provides an overview of the program’s fundamental principles, operational structure, and the various benefits it brings to participants and the broader community. Join us as we explore the potential of collective action and its significant influence in shaping a brighter, healthier future for all.

What is Adopt a Plot Program?

The Adopt a Plot Program is a dynamic public service initiative designed to harness the power of community involvement in maintaining the cleanliness and aesthetic appeal of urban areas. This program serves as a beacon for environmentally conscious individuals, families, businesses, and organizations within the City of Barrow, offering them a tangible opportunity to actively contribute to a cleaner, greener environment. By participating in this program, volunteers pledge their commitment to regular litter clean-up efforts, thereby fostering a sense of pride and ownership in their community.

City of Barrow Adopt a Plot Program Agreement

Participation in the City of Barrow Adopt a Plot Program requires adherence to a set of guidelines outlined in the program agreement. Key provisions of this agreement include:

  • Participant Responsibility: Only one designated member of a participating organization, business, family, or individual, referred to as “Adoptees,” is required to sign the agreement. For participants under the age of 16, close supervision by an adult is mandatory, with parental consent necessary for those under 15;
  • No City Contractual Obligation: The City of Barrow assumes no contractual obligations with any participating entity or individual and disclaims any liability for injuries or discriminatory practices arising from program participation;
  • Safety Measures: Adoptees are required to conduct safety meetings with their members before undertaking any clean-up projects to ensure the well-being of all participants;
  • Direct Participation: Adoptees must personally engage in the cleaning and maintenance of their adopted road section, prohibiting outsourcing to non-member individuals or entities;
  • Road Section Requirements: Adopted road sections must be a minimum of half a mile in length, ensuring a meaningful impact on community cleanliness;
  • Contract Duration and Renewal: The initial contract period is two years, with the option for renewal upon expiration, demonstrating a sustained commitment to environmental stewardship;
  • Frequency of Clean-up: Adoptees commit to a minimum of four litter clean-up sessions during the “snow-free time of the year or when needed,” initiating the first clean-up upon contract signing;
  • Disposal Protocol: Filled trash bags are to be placed on the roadside for collection by NSB Public Works or City of Barrow Maintenance Staff, with the option to utilize provided dumpsters for proper waste disposal;
  • Safety Precautions: Adoptees must prioritize member safety during all activities, implementing comprehensive safety measures to mitigate risks effectively.

Benefits of Participating in the Adopt a Plot Program

Engaging in the Adopt a Plot Program offers numerous benefits for participants and the community at large:

  • Environmental Impact: By regularly removing litter from roadways, participants directly contribute to reducing environmental pollution and protecting local ecosystems;
  • Community Pride: Taking ownership of a designated road section instills a sense of pride and responsibility within participants, fostering a cleaner and more attractive community environment;
  • Social Engagement: The program facilitates meaningful social interactions among participants, promoting camaraderie and collaboration in pursuit of a common goal;
  • Educational Opportunities: Involvement in clean-up activities presents valuable educational opportunities, raising awareness about the importance of environmental conservation and waste management practices;
  • Recognition and Appreciation: Participants receive recognition and appreciation from the community and local authorities for their proactive efforts in maintaining cleanliness and hygiene;
  • Health and Well-being: Engaging in outdoor clean-up activities promotes physical activity and mental well-being among participants, contributing to a healthier lifestyle.

Tips for Successful Participation

To maximize the impact of their involvement in the Adopt a Plot Program, participants can consider the following tips:

  • Organize Regular Clean-up Events: Schedule regular clean-up events to ensure consistent maintenance of the adopted road section;
  • Recruit Volunteers: Encourage friends, family members, and colleagues to join clean-up efforts, expanding the program’s reach and effectiveness;
  • Utilize Safety Gear: Provide participants with appropriate safety gear, such as gloves and reflective vests, to ensure their protection during clean-up activities;
  • Document Progress: Document clean-up efforts through photographs or videos to track progress over time and showcase the program’s impact to the community;
  • Educate Others: Share knowledge about environmental conservation and the importance of waste reduction with others to inspire broader community engagement;
  • Celebrate Achievements: Celebrate milestones and achievements reached through the program to boost morale and encourage sustained participation.

Empowering Community Cleanliness: A Comprehensive Guide to the Adopt-a-Plot Program in Barrow

Upon receiving approval, the City of Barrow commits to providing necessary supplies, including garbage bags and plastic gloves, to support the efforts of the adopter in maintaining cleanliness and environmental stewardship.

Group of people planting trees as part of reforestation process

It is imperative for the adopter to understand that they are to absolve the City of Barrow, including its officials and employees, from any legal responsibilities arising from accidents, injuries, or damages that may occur as a result of their activities or negligence within the program. This indemnification covers all forms of legal actions that could be initiated due to any harm or damage inflicted on individuals or property during the course of the adopter’s participation in the program.

The program mandates that all participants, especially those in leadership roles within the “Adopt a Road” initiative, are to ensure the proper oversight of minors involved in these activities. The City of Barrow is keen on fostering a spirit of community engagement and welcomes the participation of a diverse range of groups including, but not limited to, non-profit organizations, businesses, religious groups, and families, whether they operate in the public or private sector. However, it is crucial to note that the City disclaims any liability for agreements made between participating parties.

By agreeing to participate in this initiative, whether as an organization, business, family, or individual, participants confirm that they have thoroughly reviewed, understood, and committed to adhering to the guidelines and regulations set forth by the Adopt-a-Plot program. This agreement underscores the importance of responsible participation, emphasizing the need for participants to conduct their activities in a manner that is respectful of both the environment and community standards.

Recommendations and Insights for Participants:

  • Safety First: Always prioritize safety by wearing the provided gloves and ensuring that all activities are conducted in a safe manner to prevent injuries;
  • Environmental Impact: Consider the environmental benefits of your efforts. Regular maintenance and cleanup contribute significantly to the preservation of natural beauty and the prevention of pollution;
  • Community Engagement: This initiative offers a unique opportunity to foster community spirit and cooperation. Encourage friends, family, and colleagues to join in and make a positive impact;
  • Educational Value: Use this as an educational tool for younger participants. It’s an excellent way to teach children and teenagers about responsibility, environmental conservation, and civic pride;
  • Compliance: Adhering to the rules and guidelines is crucial for the success of the program. Ensure that all activities are in line with the provided regulations to maintain a harmonious and effective operation.


In conclusion, the Adopt a Plot Program stands as a testament to the power of community-driven initiatives in fostering environmental responsibility and civic pride. By uniting residents, businesses, and organizations under a shared vision of sustainability, this program exemplifies the transformative impact of collective action. As guardians of their neighborhoods and stewards of the environment, participants not only contribute to a cleaner, greener tomorrow but also cultivate a sense of belonging and ownership within their community. Moving forward, let us continue to champion initiatives like Adopt a Plot, recognizing their potential to shape a brighter, cleaner future for generations to come.

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About Barrow Thu, 14 Mar 2024 10:13:50 +0000 Welcome to Barrow, a remote yet vibrant community nestled on the icy shores of the Chukchi Sea, marking the northernmost point of the United States. […]

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Welcome to Barrow, a remote yet vibrant community nestled on the icy shores of the Chukchi Sea, marking the northernmost point of the United States. As the economic, transportation, and administrative heart of the North Slope Borough, Barrow beckons adventurers, history enthusiasts, and nature lovers alike to uncover its rich tapestry of culture, heritage, and natural wonders.


Location and Significance:

Nestled on the frigid shores of the Chukchi Sea, Barrow stands as a beacon of civilization amidst the Arctic expanse, serving as the primary economic, transportation, and administrative center for the North Slope Borough. Its historical roots intertwine with the ancient hunting traditions of the Inupiat people, who traditionally referred to the area as Ukpeagvik, translating to “place where snowy owls are hunted.”

Naming Origins:

The transition from Ukpeagvik to Barrow occurred with the arrival of British explorer Captain Beechey in 1825. Beechey, charting the Arctic coastline, bestowed the name “Point Barrow” in honor of Sir John Barrow, a prominent figure in the British Admiralty. This nomenclature persisted, eventually extending to encompass the burgeoning community.

Archaeological Riches:

Barrow’s allure extends beyond its modernity; it serves as a gateway to ancient civilizations. The Pigniq archaeological site, a testament to a bygone era, boasts 16 dwelling mounds dating back to a culture believed to have thrived from 500-900 AD. These findings serve as a vital bridge between the prehistoric cultures of Alaska and Canada, offering insights into early human migrations and adaptations to Arctic environments.

Historical Landmarks:

Among the tapestry of historical landmarks adorning Barrow, the Cape Smythe Whaling and Trading Station stands as a beacon of resilience. Erected in 1893, this station, nestled in nearby Browerville, serves as the oldest frame building in the Arctic, echoing tales of a bygone whaling era. Moreover, remnants of military presence during the 1940s and 1950s, epitomized by the construction of the Distant Early Warning (DEW) line and the Naval Arctic Research Lab (NARL), punctuate the landscape, underscoring Barrow’s strategic significance.

Memorializing Legends:

Upon arrival at the Wiley Post-Will Rogers Memorial Airport, travelers are greeted not only by the Arctic winds but also by a poignant reminder of aviation history. Named in honor of the famed pilot Wiley Post and the American humorist Will Rogers, who tragically perished in a plane crash just south of Barrow in 1935, this airport serves as a gateway to both the past and the present. Across from the airport stands the Will Rogers and Wiley Post Monument, a somber tribute to two pioneers lost amidst the Arctic skies.

Tips for Visitors:

  • Dress for the Elements: Barrow’s extreme climate demands adequate clothing to ward off the biting cold. Dress in layers and invest in quality thermal wear;
  • Embrace Local Culture: Immerse yourself in the rich traditions of the Inupiat people by attending cultural events, such as the Nalukataq festival celebrating the whaling season;
  • Explore Beyond Barrow: Venture beyond the city limits to explore the pristine wilderness of the Arctic tundra, where opportunities for wildlife spotting and outdoor adventures abound;
  • Seasonal Considerations: Plan your visit according to the seasons; while summer offers 24-hour daylight and opportunities for outdoor activities, winter presents the chance to witness the mesmerizing spectacle of the Northern Lights;
  • Respect the Environment: As a guest in this delicate ecosystem, practice responsible tourism by minimizing waste, respecting wildlife habitats, and following designated trails.


Barrow, standing as the principal city within the North Slope Borough, boasts a vibrant population of 4,429 inhabitants. A notable characteristic of this city is its deep cultural roots, with around 61 percent of its residents being Iñupiat Eskimo, underscoring the rich heritage and traditions that continue to thrive in this northernmost American city. Despite its modern amenities and infrastructure, Barrow remains deeply connected to its ancestral practices. Subsistence hunting, fishing, and whaling aren’t just historical footnotes but are integral to the daily lives and economic well-being of the community. This unique blend of tradition and modernity offers a fascinating glimpse into a way of life that has adapted yet preserved its core practices over generations.

Arctic Ocean drone footage (Barrow, AK)

Economic Foundations and Employment Trends

The economic fabric of Barrow is woven with a diverse array of employment sectors, reflecting both traditional and contemporary influences. As of 2003, the workforce comprised 1,935 individuals, with a significant portion making their livelihood in the private sector. Although the presence of oil companies in nearby Prudhoe Bay offers some employment opportunities, only a handful of residents are engaged in this industry. This is indicative of the city’s economic orientation, which is not heavily reliant on the oil sector, unlike other regions.

The local government and educational institutions are pivotal employers in Barrow. Remarkably, the borough government is responsible for employing 46 percent of the local workforce, highlighting the role of public sector jobs in sustaining the community’s economy. Additionally, the North Slope Borough School District contributes significantly to employment, with 19 percent of the working population involved in educational roles. This reflects the community’s investment in its future generations through education.

Insights and Recommendations for Visitors and Potential Residents

For those looking to explore or settle in Barrow, understanding its unique economic and cultural landscape is crucial. Here are some insights and tips to navigate this distinctive community:

  • Embrace the Local Culture: Engaging with the traditions and lifestyles of the Iñupiat Eskimo can provide enriching experiences. Participating in or observing subsistence activities offers a window into the community’s soul;
  • Economic Opportunities: While traditional sectors dominate, there’s a growing diversity in employment opportunities. Prospective residents should explore roles in education, public administration, and emerging private sectors beyond the oil industry;
  • Community Engagement: The tight-knit nature of Barrow’s community means that social and civic involvement can enhance personal and professional life. Volunteering or participating in local events can be a rewarding way to integrate;
  • Sustainability and Conservation: Given the importance of subsistence activities, residents and visitors alike are encouraged to respect and contribute to conservation efforts. This ensures the longevity of the natural resources that the community depends on.


In Barrow, residents enjoy a comfortable lifestyle with modern amenities and utilities that cater to their daily needs. Here’s what makes living in Barrow unique:

  • Heating with Natural Gas: Most homes in Barrow are heated by natural gas sourced from nearby gas fields, ensuring efficient and reliable heating during the cold winters;
  • Water and Sewer Systems: Modern water and sewer systems are in place, providing residents with clean and accessible water and efficient waste management solutions;
  • Barrow Utilities and Electric Cooperative: This member-owned cooperative offers a range of essential services, including electricity, natural gas, and water/sewer services, ensuring residents have access to reliable utilities;
  • Truck-delivered Water: Beyond the piped distribution system, water is also delivered by truck to homes, ensuring accessibility to all residents;
  • Trash Pick-up: The North Slope Borough provides trash pick-up services, contributing to a clean and well-maintained environment for residents.

As the seat of the North Slope Borough, Barrow prioritizes the well-being of its residents by offering comprehensive healthcare and social services:

  • Regional Facilities: Barrow is home to various public facilities, including a hospital, senior citizen center, women’s shelter, children & youth services center, library, and job training and assistance center, ensuring access to essential services for residents of all ages;
  • Public Safety: Public safety and fire protection services are provided, ensuring the safety and security of the community.

Barrow boasts a vibrant educational and recreational scene, catering to residents’ learning and leisure needs:

  • Educational Institutions: The community is served by elementary, middle, and high schools, along with a post-secondary education center, Ilisagvik College, providing opportunities for continuous learning and skill development;
  • Recreational Facilities: Residents have access to a variety of recreational facilities, including a swimming pool, weight room, gym, racquetball courts, and sauna, offering opportunities for fitness and leisure activities;
  • City-operated Recreation Center: Barrow’s recreation center features a gym, racquetball courts, weight room, and sauna, providing residents with ample options for staying active and socializing;
  • Seasonal Activities: The city operates an inflatable dome for ice skating and hockey in the winter and soccer during the summer, catering to seasonal interests and enhancing community engagement.

Barrow offers robust communication and commercial services, ensuring connectivity and convenience for residents:

  • Communication Channels: Residents can stay connected through phone, mail, a public radio station, Internet capability, and cable TV, fostering communication and information exchange within the community;
  • Commercial Establishments: Barrow features various commercial establishments, including hotels, restaurants, a dry cleaner, fur shop, and a bank, catering to residents’ daily needs and enhancing convenience;
  • Grocery and Merchandise Stores: The city boasts a large grocery/merchandise store and three convenience stores, offering a diverse range of products and essentials for residents;
  • Alcohol Ban: Barrow prohibits the sale of alcoholic beverages, promoting a safe and healthy community environment;
  • Repair Services and Fuel Availability: Major repair services for marine, auto, and aircraft engines are readily available, along with a variety of fuel options including diesel, propane, marine gas, aviation fuel, and all grades of auto gas, ensuring convenience for vehicle owners.

Barrow welcomes visitors with unique cultural experiences and convenient transportation options:

  • Tourism Opportunities: During the summer months, tour operators offer package tours of Barrow and the surrounding area, allowing visitors to explore the region’s natural beauty and cultural heritage;
  • Inupiat Heritage Center: Visitors can immerse themselves in the North Slope’s traditional culture at the Inupiat Heritage Center, where they can also purchase authentic arts and crafts, supporting local artisans and preserving cultural traditions;
  • Transportation Services: Barrow is served by passenger jet service from Anchorage and Fairbanks, ensuring convenient access to major hubs. Additionally, freight arrives by barge in the summer and air cargo year-round, facilitating trade and commerce for the community.


As our investigation of Barrow nears its conclusion, we contemplate the profound array of experiences cultivated by this northern frontier. From the windswept shores of the Chukchi Sea to the towering monuments symbolizing Arctic resilience, Barrow leaves an enduring impression on all who venture into its frigid embrace.

Throughout the course of history, we have revealed the enduring traditions of the Inupiat people, whose ancestral bond with this territory persists through generations. We have retraced the paths of explorers and adventurers, from Captain Beechey’s christening of Point Barrow to the legendary exploits of Wiley Post and Will Rogers, immortalized in commemorative monuments.

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Police Department Thu, 14 Mar 2024 10:10:21 +0000 Nestled within the Arctic expanse of Alaska lies the North Slope Borough, a region of unparalleled natural beauty and cultural richness. Amidst this rugged landscape, […]

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Nestled within the Arctic expanse of Alaska lies the North Slope Borough, a region of unparalleled natural beauty and cultural richness. Amidst this rugged landscape, the North Slope Borough Police Department (NSBPD) stands as a beacon of safety, community partnership, and cultural preservation.

Embarking on a journey through the Arctic frontier, let us delve into the mission, responsibilities, and commitments of the NSBPD. From safeguarding remote villages to embracing diverse traditions, join us in uncovering the vital role this department plays in fostering thriving, resilient communities across the North Slope Borough.

Department Responsibilities

Welcome to the North Slope Borough Police Department (NSBPD), where safety, community well-being, and cultural respect are paramount. Our mission goes beyond traditional law enforcement; we strive to build partnerships with local leaders and residents to foster safe, healthy, and culturally vibrant communities across the North Slope Borough.

At the core of our operations is the responsibility to provide comprehensive police services throughout the North Slope Borough. Here’s a closer look at what we do:

  • Patrol Services: Our officers are dedicated to patrolling communities, ensuring a visible presence to deter crime and respond swiftly to emergencies;
  • Investigations: From minor incidents to serious crimes, our skilled investigators work tirelessly to gather evidence and bring perpetrators to justice;
  • Community Outreach: We actively engage with residents through various outreach programs, including school visits, community meetings, and cultural events, to foster trust and cooperation;
  • Emergency Response: With a 24-hour Dispatch Center in Barrow and staff stationed in outlying villages and Prudhoe Bay, we ensure prompt response to all emergency calls;
  • Cultural Sensitivity: Recognizing the diverse cultures within the borough, we prioritize cultural sensitivity training for our officers to better serve all members of the community.


Should you need assistance or wish to collaborate with us, here are our key contacts:

Jeffrey R. Brown, Police Chief: As the head of our department, Chief Brown oversees all operations and strategic initiatives. Feel free to reach out to him for matters concerning law enforcement policies, community concerns, or partnership opportunities.

Phone Number: 907-852-6111

Fax Number: 907-852-0318

Selina Booth, Administrative Division Manager: For administrative inquiries, including records requests, departmental logistics, or general information, Ms. Booth is your point of contact.

Phone Number: 907-852-6111

Fax Number: 907-852-0318

Physical Address

1068 Kiogak St, Utqiagvik, AK 99723

Whether you’re a resident, business owner, or visitor, your safety and well-being are our top priorities. Together, let’s build a stronger, safer North Slope Borough community.


As we draw to a close on our exploration of the North Slope Borough Police Department, one thing becomes abundantly clear: the power of collaboration, dedication, and cultural understanding in shaping vibrant Arctic communities.

As residents, visitors, and stakeholders, we are all integral parts of this intricate tapestry of Arctic life. By continuing to work hand in hand with the NSBPD, we can ensure that the North Slope Borough remains a place where safety thrives, cultures flourish, and the unique spirit of the Arctic frontier endures for generations to come. Together, let us forge ahead, bound by a shared vision of a stronger, more connected Arctic community.

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The Arctic Ocean at Barrow: a window on the icy expanse Sat, 02 Mar 2024 13:11:03 +0000 At the very edge of the continental United States, surrounded by majestic glaciers and limitless skies, stretches the Arctic Ocean.

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At the very edge of the continental United States, surrounded by majestic glaciers and limitless skies, stretches the Arctic Ocean. In Barrow, Alaska, this ocean is a vital and cultural center, an important source of resources, and a unique place to explore nature. Let’s immerse ourselves in this fascinating world of icy expanses and churning waters.

The Arctic Ocean plays an important role in the planet’s ecosystem. Its waters are home to a variety of marine life, including marine mammals, fish and dozens of species of seabirds. Many of these species are unique and adapted to the harsh conditions of the Arctic environment.

The Arctic Ocean at Barrow provides scientists and researchers with unique opportunities to study the Arctic ecosystem and climate change. Research in marine science, hydrology, climatology and many other disciplines is conducted here to understand the impact of human activities on this vulnerable region and to develop conservation strategies.

For Alaska Native peoples, including the Inuit, the Arctic Ocean is of great cultural importance. It provides them with resources for fishing, food and materials for crafts, and is part of their traditional way of life and culture. Many rituals, festivals and activities are linked to the ocean, which for them is not only a source of livelihood but also an object of worship and respect.

For visitors to Barrow, the opportunity to explore the Arctic Ocean is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Sea boat excursions, ocean cruises, and opportunities to observe local marine life such as polar bears and whales make a trip to Barrow an unforgettable adventure.

The Arctic Ocean in Barrow, Alaska, is not only an important component of the Arctic ecosystem, but also symbolizes man’s connection to nature and his ability to adapt to the harsh conditions of northern nature. For the people of Barrow, it represents a source of resources and cultural heritage, and for visitors it is an opportunity to encounter the beauty and power of the Arctic world.

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